L o a d i n g

The main goal of the project is to defend health (to stop the extreme pressure on the health system, such as Covid 19, not to serve other patients suffering from other chronic and serious diseases, and to highlight the role of active citizens), with the local government serving as the main recipient and expresser, with the active participation and action of citizens. The project's main goal is to engage the participating communities through a Local Health Observatory. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Healthy Cities Network, and the Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly Network have all provided synergies and feedback.

The project's goal is to be a participatory platform for dialogue, consultation, and democratic participation of local governments, health professionals, civil society, academia, the research community, and other stakeholders on the serious and complex issue of health. Public health is the art and science of preventing disease, promoting health, and extending people's lives. Although public health is the foundation of protecting and improving human health, the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted its significance. The pandemic highlighted the lack of bottom-up approaches in addition to the traditional top-down approach.

The New European BAUHAUS, the European Union's flagship initiative is connected with European Green Deal through participative and co-creating problem solving. Its approach in complex societal issues is also linked to a holistic and systemic approach to human health. New solutions are required to address and better deal with global, but primarily local, health issues. Co-design methodologies and approaches that include citizens alongside experts and professionals are critical.

However, the environment in which we and our children grow up, develop social relationships, and shape our homes, neighborhoods, and cities has an impact on our level of health and quality of life.

A holistic way of thinking about the health of the individual, family, and population is thus required, in an understandable, comprehensible, and participatory manner. The following factors influence one's level of health: Environmental, climatic, architectural, nutritional, Cultural (minorities, vulnerable groups, etc), Entrepreneurial – Commercial, Living Conditions, Quality of Life, Education and Training, Economic (e.g. prosperity, poverty)

Age Medical (Medical care - Infections - Epidemics)
Local government must take initiative and action in the following ways: a) at the local level, through initiatives and partnerships, the concept of "healthy place" (city/rural), the relationship between the environment and the health of the individual, the family, and vulnerable groups will be explored and defined, leading to the promotion of integrated actions and health policies; b) at the supra-local level, it will explore, evaluate and actively participate in actions and initiatives related to health.